Saturday, August 27, 2016

This Required Last Thing From A Really Long Time Ago

First: What is in my Genius Project TED Talk?
Genius Project TED Talk
Your Genius Project will culminate in a final, live TED style presentation in which you address the following:
What was your initial project and where did you end up? Initially it was making a mentorship website, but now it’s blogging about my volunteering.
  • What were the basics of your intent and idea, and how did that morph into your final product? Look good for colleges. Not too much to do.
What have you learned about your passion? Still want to be a pathologist
  • Did your passion change throughout this? What caused that change? Nope
What have you learned about your challenges? Try to avoid them
  • What was difficult about this project? What surprised you about what was most difficult?
What have you learned about how to impact a community? Did that through other things.
  • Who was the community you intended to reach? Did you reach them? Why or why not?

Now: Plan it out, starting with the end in mind.
Genius Project Plan

Tasks to Complete
A to-do list of what you need to do to complete your project.
Who do I need to talk to? What’s their contact info?
April 2017: 4B Winter and Spring Presentations to all juniors and seniors
Memorize TedTalk
Don’t mess up.
March 2017
Make Ted Talk

February 2017
Work on Ted Talk

January 2017
Add a few more posts to blog
Start early and plan it out escessively
December 2016
  • Check in with my mentor
  • Design a logo for my event using Canva. Is this required?
  • Call (not email or text) my mentor because I haven’t heard back from them via email in months
November 2016
  • Blog #6: Where I’m at, what I’m missing, where I need to go from here to be successful in April

I'll put a few more posts maybe. I'm going to include making a giant spreadsheet of Rocks and Minerals in my Genius Project because Science olympiad is next week. I'm going to make that Ted-like talk that we're required to do. Really, I'm pretty much done. I might add a few random shoot offs to my Genius Project because I feel like it, such as: according to my random school surveys, my school is 2/3 white and 86% of seniors have taken an AP. I'm very random. Just pretend that this is part of the blog post that comes before it. I definitely have 6 blog posts.

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