Sunday, August 21, 2016

This is my Genius Project

This blog is part of our school's Genius Project, where you do something super amazing that's a challenge, helps society, and you are passionate about.
My plan is to summarize what I learned from volunteering in the lab and pathology departments for the last year in a blog. That's about it. I want to be a pathologist, so I am using this blog to tell all the colleges out there that I'm serious about going into medicine, as in, "see, look what I've learned, I think it's awesome!" I am not an eloquent writer, so this is a challenge. I have bad phrasing, I go off on tangents, and I am too colloquial, although I can have a colossal vocabulary when I please. I usually write like I think/talk, but punctuation does not always function like I hope.
In summary, the benefit to society is that you get to learn about the hospital laboratory. The challenge is that I can't write. I'm passionate because I want to be a pathologist.

I volunteered in the pathology department the summer of 2015 for 3 hours on Monday mornings. I'm going to do a post or two about that. Since school started in 2015, I've been working in the lab for 3.5 hours on Saturday mornings. I've seen a lot of grossly awesome body parts and learned a bit about how the lab and pathology departments functioned.

I was planning on writing one blog post a week for the summer, but I didn't. See below for details.

Status Update:
I have done next to nothing so far. This summer has been way too busy, so that is a problem that I have run into. I am also worried about HIPAA, a law about how healthcare workers have doctor patient confidentiality, so you cannot tell anyone unrelated to the case about what you know. I do not know if I signed anything saying that I could not talk about my volunteering experiences, but I definitely signed something saying that I understood HIPPAA. Just in case, I am not saying any identifying information about me or the hospital. Not to mention, public displays of identifying information make my parents . . . uncomfortable.

 I just have to fit writing in with 5 college level courses, tennis until 5 pm, MUN, 5 Science Olympiad events, Academic League, volunteering, studying for the Chemistry SAT in October, writing college essays, and applying to colleges. Easy-peasy. So, you might be wondering why I was not proactive enough to do this project over the summer. Last summer, I did nothing because I was worried about AP summer assignments and wanted to relax. I got bored, so I decided that this year I was going to be "entertained" all summer and take advantage of all opportunities. I got a job as a summer camp counselor, volunteered in the lab of the hospital, volunteered at the library, took an online psychology class, and worked on summer assignments. It was very productive and has the added benefit of making school look easy in comparison. In conclusion, that is why this is not done yet and is going to stress me out excessively, but not that much, because I'll be too stressed about everything else to be stressed about this.

PS Teacher: I wrote this one over the summer, so it turns out that my adjusted plans are the same as our updated blog post plans. The Genius Project summer assignment page was freaking me out, so I tried to write a few posts before school started just in case 4 posts were due on the first day of school (I only got two done though). I think the stress paragraph still applies, though. It is a summary of authentic challenges.

Photo of a lab

Biteable video pitch. My plan in pretty pictures (and a few ugly ones).

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